Sunday, April 13, 2014

Foods They Never Told You Were Bad!

Other than the typical cheese burger and and french fries we think were all aware of harmful foods that can be the detrimental to our dieting success. Other than the greasy pizza and fried chicken thats drenched in oil, other foods may not seem so unhealthy but under neath it all they are just as bad.

Starbucks is almost everyones guilty pleasure the Frappaccinnos are one the best selling products that they have, but at what cost? Frappacino are filled with tons of milk and topped with whipped creme. The morning burst hold about one third of the daily serving of fat, 510 calories and approximately 60 grams of sugar. The little cup of heaven isn't anything close to a meal and does more damage then good.

Viatmin water may sounds like its filled with minerals and nutrient but they hold approximately the same amount of sugar as coke.

Smoothies are one of the biggest misconception that individuals think are a meal replacement for better eating but not all smoothies are as natural as they say. Some fruit smoothies are made with yogurt and ice cream that are filled with sugar, and the calories can equal the size of a McDonald mixed tape!

Eat as many "live" foods as possible, which are green leave like broccoli, lettuce, green peas and asparagus. Fish and chicken are important source of protein which should be baked for the healthiest benefits. Instead of spending money on health meals and snacks try making your own smoothies with fresh fruit. Pay close attention to the label and make sure it hold more benefits for you. A lot of these product loves sugar because it enhances the taste of the product, your better off eating fresh foods that are non- produced

Sunday, April 6, 2014

UP, up, up and away!!

Plyometrics - also known as jump training is essential and important way to build muscle power and explosiveness. Used by many collegiate and Olympic athletes plyometrics have been used through many workout exercises for individuals of all ages and levels of training. 

Plyometric allows the muscles to rapidly stretch (eccentric phase) and then rapidly shorten (concentric phase) by hoping, bounding,  jumping and leaping allowing the muscles to become more powerful and explosive. It's proven as one of the most effective way to burn fat and calories and also substitute as a mini cardio workout. The intensity that plyometrics get you builds lean muscles faster and gives you a sleeker tone shape.

Once you get older some myths may suggest that the constant pounding on your legs may cause serious may in the future, but that's completely false. At around 25-30 your bone density begins to decrease by 1 to 2 percent every year. The stress from the leaping and pouncing builds a strong solid base and you become less likly to obtain osteoporosis or any other bone illness.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Colorful Appetite

This day and age no one wants to wait and everyones lazy. They like fast results any they like the convince of service at our finger tips.  And sometimes when you live a fast paced life its difficult to stay focused on that diet when fast food lights are running almost 24/7. Fruit smoothies are your answer for these hard life situations. Fruit smoothies are filled with tons of health benefits that not only cater to your diet but further enhance living a healthy life. Fruits and vegetables are filled with countless amount of vitamins and and minerals that gives you the daily nutrient, providing a strong immune system and improve digestion. For many of people its difficult to continue healthy habits daily.Your worrying about this deadline for work and not giving any efforts in worrying about if you've taken protein and vitamin in your diet. 

The blending and and liquifying of the fruits and vegetables are the best ways to utilize all nutrients and minerals as they blender breaks down the seeds which hold the most nutrients in them. 

There's are variety of different way you make your smoothies, each are very important depending on what your trying to get out of them.  Adding more vegetables then fruits have a higher dosage of fiber and less calories. For individuals concern with eating habits turing your fruit smoothies into greener smoothies (adding more vegetables) will curve your appetite and allow you to feel fuller longer while keeping you fully hydrated. 

Fruits are filled with many antioxidants and many other healthy acids. Fruit smoothies are best right before a workout as it gives you a bust of energy and your brain a sense of alertness. With adding more fruits that vegetables the acid in the fruit is a great way for a healthy detoxification. Eliminating bad toxins and build up waste in your intenseness.

Well there you have it is all about what you consume and how you consume. Make a colorful and healthy choice to a healthier life. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Difference Between Reps and Weight

Have you ever been stuck in the gym and realize you have absolutely no idea what your doing? You see people around you using beginners weights and others with a little heavier load. You think it might be a little ridiculous if you say "excuse me but how much do I put on this bar" or "how many times should I squat this." Don't worry you and majority of gym goers are still confused about how many reps or how much weight they should put on the bar. 

High reps or high weight? When resistance training, most people train for specific goals/reasons. Whether it be to gain mass, rip up, strength or endurance. The reps vs. weights  dynamic usage is essential to achieving these goals. For example, when wanting to rip up, one would want to lift light weight but execute high reps. Reps should range from 12-18 at a low weight. On the other hand, gaining mass is the exact opposite regime. In order to gain mass and strength, one should perform high weight- low to medium reps. The rep range should be between 5-10, while the set amount of weight should range between 85%-90% of one’s maximal strength. 

It’s important to understand when lifting heavy weight, it is critical to have a spotter for a few reasons. A spotter will help you control the weight allowing you to better isolate the muscles with correct form. Also the spotter serves as a safety harness to one lifting heavy weights. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Jacksonville Hidden Locales

Fill your heart and soul with some of Jacksonville hidden locations for popular food and entertainment.

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