Sunday, April 6, 2014

UP, up, up and away!!

Plyometrics - also known as jump training is essential and important way to build muscle power and explosiveness. Used by many collegiate and Olympic athletes plyometrics have been used through many workout exercises for individuals of all ages and levels of training. 

Plyometric allows the muscles to rapidly stretch (eccentric phase) and then rapidly shorten (concentric phase) by hoping, bounding,  jumping and leaping allowing the muscles to become more powerful and explosive. It's proven as one of the most effective way to burn fat and calories and also substitute as a mini cardio workout. The intensity that plyometrics get you builds lean muscles faster and gives you a sleeker tone shape.

Once you get older some myths may suggest that the constant pounding on your legs may cause serious may in the future, but that's completely false. At around 25-30 your bone density begins to decrease by 1 to 2 percent every year. The stress from the leaping and pouncing builds a strong solid base and you become less likly to obtain osteoporosis or any other bone illness.

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