Sunday, February 9, 2014

Your First Steps

February has brung nothing but limited sun shine and horrified cold and wet weather. Many of us find it too painful to do anything when its so cold that we rather get cozy order Chinese and sit in front of the television with our favorite movies. But whats an alternate to lazy habits and unhealthy food choices during the cozy winter? Working Out! 

We tend to link warm weather to sexy buff bodies, due to the countless amount of bathing suit advertisements and the cause for skimmer clothing. But starting a healthy lifestyle doesn't start with warm weather its starts NOW. My coach used to say, that the best athletes are made in the off season. Beginning healthy habits and working out will pay off in the long run in time for blooming flowers and beach trips. While your friends are hitting the gym two weeks before Panama City trip your body will be in the most amazing shape that all your friends will be envy of. 

For many of us the hardest part about anything is starting, so my suggestions are baby steps. If you’ve been exposed to living a healthy lifestyle, simply start where you’ve ended. For others who are willing to make new changes for the new year should start of super slow. Start off by cutting out any sodas and juices and drink as much water as possible daily. For fitness wise begin with walking on the treadmill for 30 mins. After you’ve realized that drink water and 30 minutes walks are for wusses, start eating healthier choices like making sure you input veggies and fruits into your diets, and start lifting like weights to begin toning. 

Dont worry results wont be apparent, the first signs that your new healthy lifestyles are working, is how your body feels inside. You may feel more energized or light. The more you workout the easier it will become and then you'll have the confidence to start challenging yourself. Stay true to yourself and remember it isn't about being a size zero, or being super model thin, its about feeling amazing and being a better healthier your. 

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