Friday, February 14, 2014

Women & Weights, Friend or Foe?

It’s obvious that for women, they hold the notion that advance fitness, cross fit and men are the only ones that incorporates weights into their workout plan. Women are afraid of bulking up and looking “manly” and to avoid these outcomes they workout on the other side of the gym and spend their hours sweating on the elliptical and running on the treadmill. But that’s completely bullsh*t..

Lifting weights have a innumerable amount of benefits for women who wants to be fit, without the intense definitions. When you lift weights your body works harder to maintain muscle over fat thus lifting weights can boost your metabolism so you can burn more calories throughout your day. Some of us its hard to keep the weight off, while your continually working out your body requires more fuel for energy and it might become difficult to see your results from the gym. Lifting gives your body the accurate metabolism where you can eat to sustain energy but see results faster. 

Staying in shape and being fit becomes a lot more easier and fun when you give your body variety. Repetition is great for learning but your body will soon become accustom to the workout and being to have a negative effect. The constant treadmill and yoga everyday becomes insignificant your body needs variety and adding resistance to your workout is just what it needs to keep your body working harder. 

Women shouldn't have the notion that lifting weights will make them look manly, its quite difficult for a female to have a definition of a male. The body composition and chromes make it almost impossible  for a female to immolate a males physiques without using some type of performance enhancements. According to Forbes building muscle tissues increases muscles demand for glucose. The muscle pulls glucose from the blood stream so sugar levels don’t rise and decreases the likelihood of having diabetes. 

Being active in any way is a great start for living a healthy lives, it decreases chances of breast cancer as well as other disease and illnesses for women. Resistance is just another form of workout that you can do to continue on being a better you. So remember just like starting anything new, begin with small amounts of resistance to get your body used to it and before you know it you’ll be benching 100lbs. 

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