Sunday, February 23, 2014

Feel like getting in shape without leaving the comfort of your own room!

Don’t you just hate a crowded gym? A confined room filled with the hot steam of sweaty individuals staring at you on the treadmill. No room to properly stretch and someone always occupying the very exact machine or equipment you had your eyes on. Your on your way from work stuck in traffic and your complete pressed for time or you don't feel like leaving your comfy house. Well there is an alternate to getting in shape without the gym, and its call Calisthenics workouts. These are just some of the reason why an individual breaks their gym routine. Yes we understand that life happens and things come up, and sometime we completely loose track of our time, but there are alternate ways to make sure your not loosing out on a quality workout.
Calisthenics are exercise that are done in a rhythmic way by using your own body weight for resistance, sometimes can be known as body weight training. Push ups, jumping jacks, squats and crunches are classic calisthenics exercises that many personal trainers and professional athletes use as a primary basis for training to this day. Its convent and beneficial. We see many of this type of training in circuits and boot camp and whats better than working out in the comfort of your own home. Resistance workout are known as one of the more efficient way to burn fat, and less strenuous on your body. I know a lot of people who are easily injured but goals are to increase muscle size, calisthenics training gives them the ability to increase muscles size without damaging themselves while shedding off some extra unnecessary pounds.
For beginners who are afraid to injury themselves lifting weights and are unsure of what to do in the gym, calisthenics training is perfect way to develop a basic level of health fitness. The U.S army recommend calisthenics training to its recruits as its focuses on building strengthen, endurance flexibility as well as improving bone and joint strengthen. With a strong condition base your body will be able to accommodate longer and more vigorous workouts drawing you to faster results.
One of the key importance for Calisthenic training is developing a routine. Putting your body through a various amounts of different upper, lower and mid section calisthenics exercise and create yourself a full body exercise, perfect for conditioning the body. 
For your lower body lungs, squats and jumping jack will get your body in the right shape. Upper body exercise can consist of push ups, pull ups and dips. You cant forget the most important mid section crunches. All these exercise have multiple variation that target different ares. You just have to find the one that works for your body!
Check out the video of the "Battle of the Bars," which is a Calisthenics competition. 

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